As every person affected by a metabolic disorder needs individual counselling and support I ask you to introduce yourself for advice in my healing practice.
More often than it is generally believed the causes of illnesses are to be found in the soul.
Metabolic diseases can appear physically in different forms like skin problems, hair loss, brittle nails, gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, anorexia, bulimia, a weakened immune system, from emotional weakness to delusions or depression.
In a counselling it turns out fast whether the condition is an integration error (malabsorption), malnutrition or a poor diet.
Of course in my healing practice competent advice to an optimal diet is given to persons who are not sick. I myself am a vegan and do not dogmatically present this way of nutrition to the outside world. I found out that there are people who feel themselves healthy and comfortable with a meat-based nutrition.
By me shedding light on the practice of animal entertainment, transportation and slaughter here in Europe, many people change their eating habits by themselves afterwards.
Next to physical exercise and adequate sleep, a certain amount of good drinking water belongs to a healthy diet. Per kg of body weight 30 ml of still drinking water should be consumed daily to keep the metabolism in a fine shape.