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The 15 gates of consciousness ©

Energy wheels, so called Chakras, are entry and exit points for light informations within the personal human Aura system and its environment. In the best way for already developed, digested and integrated consciousness informations. But we all know, that also not digested informations can come into ones Aura. The digestive process has to be started. Chakras can help.

Via this ports, one is able to communicate interactively with all, by consciousness created beings, like other humans of cause, but also animals, plants, minerals and subtle beings, such like angels and other spiritual guiders, which come directly from source.

The light enters into ones Aura, as a carrier with a certain information content, to be first polar evaluated within ones brain, and finally to be materialized within ones heart to an actually event. The Chakras, ones energy wheels within ones Aura, are necessarily communication portals within this process.

Theire duty is, to shift energtic informations within one selfs Auramodel and other communicative partners from here to there, such, as I mentioned before, but also into ones own nervalsystem, the brain, the gutsbrain and the meridians within ones physical body.

So, we can consider those wheels as doorways, simply to let inforamtions coming in and letting them out again. But light as self has a source as well. In our case, our sun.

Due the constantly development within our sun, within our own solarsystem, new opportunities for energetic and spiritual development for us humans are emerging and possible to take, if we want to take them in. Means, we humans can participate in this already happened growth potential within the sun and integrate this expanded matrix of consciousness via the development of further new Chakras within our own Auras. Hinduist- and buddhistmasters are talking from the possibility of 144 Chakras and 72000 nerval points within the energetic- and biological models of human beings! Lets go for it!

Why does this development process of expanding not happen automatically within us humans?

Well, we as human beings, live by the will of source, in the posibility, of the, so called free will of men, means, we decide, how we want to deal with the already emerged event! We are not oblidged by a higher source to take it in. We can stay within that state, where we are within our own development.

To bring it to the point, we can not decide, if the actually event happens, but we can choose, if we want to participate at the event or not. Well at least, a possibility! But source gives us always the ability to volunteer, out of our free, joyfull choise, to take it in and develop us within our own conciousness to that state, what source already provided for us.

If we take that chance in, there will be much more options available for us to connect ourselfs to higher sources an achieve theire blessings. Chakras, our gates - doorways, are been needed for this ability.

In the moment, the average state of humans conciousness development, regarding to Chakra integrations, is at a poor level, far beyond the possibility humans can have. Means, obviously the most of us are choosing not the state, what source, GOD, is providing for us. This statement is easy to be proved. We only have to look at the daily news at our TV`s, there we can see, how the state of consciousness is actually in the human realm.

With more abilities within our selfs, digested, integrated, materialized, a different human world will emerge. My statement is, it will be, polar spoken, a better world. A world with more awareness and understanding for all created beings.

In the seminar `The 15 gates of consciousness ©` one is creating, with the beloved guidance and support of source beings, a better world for one self, but also for everybody one surrounds. Because everybody will participate at this process of healing and exstanding, because of the doorway possibility Chakras provide.

To do this, one first deals with the already known five gates - Chakras (Crown, as an influence point, forehead, throat, heart, solarplexus, navel as Chakras, and root as an influence point as well). One will realive thier meanings again with ones fully devotion and gratefullness, and then one will integrate the eight remaining new chakras with their meanings within ones Auramodel.

The heartcenter within ones Aura arrives with all `the 15 gates of consciousness ©`, they are available now for us humans, directly within the middle of ones Auramodel. The heart will be the source, the center of this person and Aura again. Thus the heart can perfectly communicate, in the optimal connection to source, within all the doorways within ones own Aura and with all living beings, with all conscious creatures. This creates, polar spoken, a better world.

Feel free to sign into this special 3 days seminar and request the seminardate and the costs under and the name: The 15 gates of consciousness ©

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