A specialised cook for wild herb citchen, Jutta Kluckner, and I, offer a seminar trippel regarding to wild herb citchen!
In these three seminar modules, the participant learns to appreciate the culinary specialties from the wayside.
Depending on the season, we will collect several native, organic wild herbs (means, picked on meadows which are not fertilized) and then discuss their effects, like nutrition contents and healing abilities to the human body in theorie. A huge content of the seminar also will be, that I show, what the plant devas - the plant beings, can tell us energetically, mentally and what can be made out of them for eating and healing and kosmetic purposes.
Then we will cook of cause something delicious from the wild herbs in the institute or prepare them fresh as a salad and then eat together.
Since the herbs ripen in different seasons, this series of seminars takes place in three individual modules, each lasting two days, on weekends.
The seminars are led by the well-known vegetarian wild herb cook Jutta Kluckner and me. Jutta cooked for years of her life in the vegan catering service "Petersilchen" in Hönnepel / Niederrhein - Germany, the vegan Restaurant `Petersilchen` in Xanten - Germany and in the restaurant `Samannshof` in Neukirchen - Vlyn / Niederrhein - Germany.
My task in this series of seminars will be to show and teach the mental-energetic connections of the individual herbal beings and to teach communicative ways to produce healing essences with the help of plant devas.
The seminar participant also has the opportunity to prepare face, hand and body creams for the own personal use.
All cooking utensils, dropper bottles for the healing essences and cosmetic base creams, also suitable for allergy sufferers, will be provided by the institute.
Feel free to sign into this really special seminar triple (each 2 days long) and request the seminardate and the costs under info@dagihoffmann.de and the name: Culinary specialties from the wayside ©