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Fulfilled harmony - reconnection to once inner source - enlightenment ©

The redemption of the little ego through the liberation from mental misconceptions, also called fears, beliefs, karma, burdens, dogma, dictum etc.

The aim of this seminar is the conscious reconnection, back to the true home of ones heart, the inner silent source, through the living knowledge of what it means to be really free and enlightened.

The conscious awakening of the individual to a holistically, undivided unit, is a process, which is deeply individually feelable and mentally, via clair voyant abilities, perceptible.

The redemption of the polar opposites of yang and yin within the human Aura, the dual light dress of man, unites him again with the liberated original state of inner peace and harmony, with the true 'I am who I am'. One can equate this process of reconnecting to the original source of enlightenment, with an ecstatic, almost orgasmic comparable state of melting into the pure state of bliss.

The unconditional - non adherent love, and the value free - pure bliss state of the true inner source, are mostly folded and hidden in into the polar life circumstances within the vital force field of the human energy filed - the Aura.

Those divine forces are always present in the polar Aura, but moved imperceptibly into the background, because they are glued or encased within the conditional, adherent love event horizon within the dual life process. This happens via evaluations, fears, beliefs, dogma, frozen consciousness results of inner pain and other structural fixations and energy blockages.

This life process has to be recognized as such a blockage creating process, so that the attachments can be released and the conditional, judgmental love can be transformed back into the unconditional love with the free flowing bliss of source. This redemption and melting of the polar Yang and Yin state is resulting in ecstatic joy, the state of enlightenment. One is free again!

Awakened people are not only, emotionally considered, thoughtless and thus emotionally silent, they are inseparable from the 'I am who I am' and pure, means empty - free of judgement, again. They no longer adhere to sticky, emotional processes that cause mental and somatic diseases. Their Auras are still, pure and clear, like a cristal clear drop of water.

In order to get back to this origin state of liberated enlightenment, it is necessary to perceive various growth steps within the human, polar life expression as a platform for knowledge and healing and also to understand and heal them as such events.

The most important insights on the way back to the connection to enlightenment are:
  1. To acknowledge the basic or root pattern with the underlaying causes of the incarnation or even previous incarnations.
  2. To acknowledge Fixations of one personal and transpersonal nature (restrictive tenets (beliefs) - karma - family - state - religious or even spiritual misconceptions, regarding to ones personal and human related thinking - speaking – acting, feeling and materializing ones life)
  3. To be aware of `frozen consciousness pattern` as an emotional protective mechanism, a protective heart or protective shield formation, created out of servere inner pain.
  4. To acknowledge other structural forms and their contents, which maintain small ego structures and distract from the essential, the connection back to the true inner source.
  5. Redemption of the above mentioned points and the replacement of the unconditional love, the pure - empty bliss within the human heart instead.
  6. Learning methods for maintaining this original state of inner peace and harmony.
Therefore one is walking menatlly the `bridge of inner mindfullness ©´, to return to the illuminated state of inner Silence and heal the, dividing gap, which was hindering one to reach the original state of the `I am who I am`.

Feel free to sign into this special 7 days seminar and request the seminardate and the costs under and the name: Fulfilled harmony - reconnection to once inner source - enlightenment ©

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